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Since starting my broadcast on in February 2019, I have interviewed some very impressive individuals who are using they're gift and making it work.
Tamara Doss 30 Day Challenge_editedA tool to help you get into the daily routine of studying the bible and spending time with God. And to help you discover you are in Him. | Tamara DossTamara and me after the show which was excellent and fun. |
Tamara DossDescribe your image here. | Rosita DozierHer latest book 'From the Farmhouse to the Powerhouse'. A great book to use in your bible studies and small groups. |
Michael PerdueHis latest EP 'The Transformation - Change is Coming'. | PhoenixJacquelin Thomas' latest book. |
Jacquelin ThomasI caught with Jacquie while she was on vacation here in California. She was gracious enough to grant me an interview. | The Jaszy LadySo thrilled that I was able to get Jaszy into the studio. And was very excited to have her sing live during the interview! |
Michael JohnsonMichael Johnson writing as Michel Kent is a very talent individual. so far he has writing 5 books. He and his wife Cherie have a publishing company and his first book, 'The Haunting of Molly Pickett' is being made into a movie. |
About 2 years ago I was asked to be on a panel on an and I was bitten. The station owner Pastor Frank Starks and his wife Lady Cassandra asked me if I wanted to do a show. And here I am. I am an author and I love to read. Soon I will be announcing my for book. So stay tune.
Do have a "thing" that you've always wanted to do or wanted to be? Have you done it or have you achieved it? If not, what is stopping you?
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